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Toddler Fest 2023

Toddler Fest 2023
On Sunday 10th September, we were fortunate to be exhibiting at the Big Sheep's 'Toddler Fest 2023!'
 Toddler Fest is exactly what it says on the tin: a festival for toddlers! The day featured live shows, music, dancing, activities and much more, as well as the rides and animals and fun of the Big Sheep!
 We had a fantastic spot in the top marquee, where we had a set up consisting of four tuff-tray activities and a water play tray as well as information about our wonderful nursery and a spin-the-wheel competition.
 Throughout the day, we were inundated with children coming to play and explore the activities we had on offer. The sensory rice tray with Banana Moon blue and yellow coloured rice proved to be the most popular, with the children enjoying scooping and pouring the rice and feeling it run through their fingers (and toes of some of the babies who dived in and sat in the tray!)
 The weather throughout the day was very changeable. At one point there was a torrential downpour with thunder and lightning, so many of the attendees of the festival flocked to the marquee for cover, which meant we had lots and lots of children all exploring the invitations we had on offer, so we had to create more!
 We had some really fantastic chats with parents about our nursery and what we offer as a setting and our spin-the-wheel competition was popular amongst children and adults alike! There were lots of bubbles and Haribo won, and a few children even won Moon toys!
 We also loved getting the opportunity to meet and talk to other local businesses that provide classes and activities for children in North Devon.
 We had a great day, and we can't wait to go back next year!
 For more information about Toddler Fest, visit their website: https://www.thebigsheep.co.uk/toddler-fest-23-4/

And to see more photos of our day, check out our Facebook or Instagram page:


@BananaMoon - 10 months ago

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Get in touch today

We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 3 Trafalgar Lawn
EX32 9BD

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